[Breaking News] Orlando Nightclub mass-shooting.

Wow. Are you for real?

The guy called 911 and said he was work ISIS. This doesn't prove to you he was an Islamic Terrorist.

ISIS says: "yup, he's ours". This doesn't prove to you he was an Islamic Terrorist.

Claiming to be part of ISIS wasn't an afterthought, it was a pattern for months. He'd been investigated by the FBI twice in the past for verbally expressing allegiance to terrorist organizations. He praised al quida martyrs in front of his co-workers: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/fbi-had-closely-scrutinized-the-orlando-shooter-before-dropping-investigation/2016/06/13/838e9054-3177-11e6-8ff7-7b6c1998b7a0_story.html

And yelled "aluha ackbar" while killing people. This doesn't prove to you he was an Islamic Terrorist.

"In addition to pledging allegiance to the leader of the Islamic State, Comey noted, Mateen referred to a link to its bitter rival, al-Qaeda — an American’s suicide bombing in Syria. He also expressed solidarity with the Boston Marathon bombers."

This doesn't prove to you that he was an Islamic terrorist.

Oh no. But instead:

He uses tinder to find out where the popular gay places are.

He scouts out the club before he shoots it up. Like you would do if you were a non gay terrorist planning on an attack.

And some guy he knew claims he was closeted gay, with no evidence. And THIS is enough to prove to you that he's just some crazy closeted guy who is *oh so oppressed" that he snaps for completely non religious reasons.

Where do you think his hatred for gays came from?

Sometimes he would go over in the corner and sit and drink by himself, and other times he would get so drunk he was loud and belligerent,"

Sounds like he was really looking for a hookup... Sitting alone in the corner like that.

He was on a scouting mission!

He didn't have sexual identify issues. You're just lapping that up and ignoring everything else.

He was a Muslim who drank. . .

Muslims are allowed to drink... Just not during Ramadan!

Everything points to him being an Islamic terrorist looking for a target. Including the going to gay bars and using dating apps for information.

The only piece of evidence you have is his old classmate claiming he was gay. Why do you believe him and not believe his co-workers?

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