Breastfeeding in public is kinda gross.

I wrote the ~ before it in the equation. You do understand that the propositions can't be not statements right? If you want to say something is not true you have to make P the true version and use ~P in the equation. That's what I did. The equation is the argument. The statements are just the statements you use to formulate the argument.

Well now we're at the point where I'm teaching you propositional logic so I guess we can conclude because you have demonstrated you don't even know how to read a basic logical formula. I provided my truth table and proved that what I said was logically valid.

I will reply once you (a) learn how to translate the fomula because right now you clearly don't understand it and (b) construct your own formula and prove its validity using a truth table. That should be easy since it's the exact precise reverse of mine.

Maybe next time you accuse someone of not knowing logic you might consider whether you even know what the hell logic actually is.


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