Take a breath; Pause, Don’t End

Hi. As i already mentioned in one of the posts, it is difficult to generalize and i specifically mentioned the case of young children who turn to suicide as a result of bullying in school as an example. In their case as i clearly explained it is a case of a single stressor and being children it affects them differently and they cannot cope. It is not possible to discuss every possible scenario that leads someone to kill themselves. Unless someone specifically states i am going through so and so now, i have struggled with x and y previously etc then this matter can’t be properly discussed. If you have a problem with my approach and find it offensive as you put it, “try not to treat us like children…” then that’s your prerogative if you have given up on yourself and want to refuse any form of support. But there are children out there struggling with issues that might seem significant to them at this stage of their lives enough to push them to end their lives so i cannot address a child in the same manner as i would an adult. In any case, the purpose of my message was to give hope and support. How that can be twisted into being offensive and condescending is beyond me. Good luck to you

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