Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the Supreme Court. What are your thoughts?

This is what really does it for me:

  1. Didn't want to talk about or involve Chris Garrett
  2. Won't release therapist notes
  3. Sheila Jackson Lee handing secret notes to her attorney
  4. She mentioned she was staying in Rehoboth to draft the original accusation letter but doesn't mention who she was staying with. Find out Monica McLean lives in Rehoboth, the friend that Ford allegedly helped beat polygraphs for FBI interviews.
  5. Scrubbed social media presence immediately prior to secret allegation

What was the point of scrubbing social media? I want to know what was on her Facebook... apparently, she has been very active in the California Democratic party and part of me wonders if there isn't something damning on there.

Regardless, I'm with you. Something stinks... she can't produce a shred of actual evidence to even show that she could have reasonably been in a room with Kavanaugh and every witness she's named has rebuked her; both Keiser and Judge told the same stories to the FBI so unless people are suggesting that both Keiser and Judge are lying to the FBI...

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