Brexit: Government rejects petition signed by 4.1 million calling for second EU referendum

And this is where the joke breaks down because you can't keep going with such a complex issue using a single entity to represent it.

Also I'm a bit fucking sick of all leavers getting tarred with the racist brush, do you honestly think almost 52% of this nation is xenophobic?
This kind of lumping in with the tiny vocal minority who are racist cuntbags is a whole chunk of the reason that leave won.

When a lot of people said "I'm concerned about..." - the remain campaign basically shouted "It doesn't matter what you are concerned about - don't be racist."

When they said "Okay, so What benefit do we see from the EU?" - The remain campaign said "Economy blah, London markets blah, value of the pound blah..."

And so they said "Yeah but how does that impact our lives when we're struggling to make ends meet on minimum wage jobs, watching our schools and public facilities deteriorate, house and living prices rise faster than our earnings yearly... while London and the south gets billions in investment"...

And the remain campaign said: "Who cares about you plebs, it'll damage the rich, the investors, and London."

And the poor and working class thought: "Good, fuck 'em".

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