Brian Fargo/inXile Entertainment (Creators of Wasteland 2 & the upcoming Torment game), have launched the Kickstarter for The Bard's Tale 4

So you're not actually asking a question in good faith, you're just being a pathetic, contrarian little shit with nothing of actual value to say.

You live in proud ignorance, deciding that you can know better without ever needing to do so much as read a goddamn paragraph or two.

Please stop bothering with internet comment sections. They'd be better off without idiots like you.

With two games successfully Kickstarted and one released, why are we coming back to Kickstarter? The Bard’s Tale IV is not a mainstream title, and even if we could bring it to publishers, we enjoy the independence and integrity that comes with crowdfundingand doing it our way, without compromise. In our experience, fan funding is something special that allows us to preserve our creative integrity without any undue outside influences. That’s how games are supposed to be made. 

Kickstarter has been instrumental in giving a chance to many great games over the last few years, like Pillars of Eternity, Divinity: Original Sin, Elite: Dangerous, and Shadowrun Returns. This model of crowdfunding allows us not just to make the kind of games we love, but also to deliver them the right way. Instead of trying to nickel and dime you with micro-DLC, we deliver you a complete game, and provide you extensive updates for free, such as the Wasteland 2 Game of the Year Edition.

We also love the fact that crowdfunding involves fans in ways we never could before, drawing you into the process through feedback on elements we show, and direct involvement in polishing the game once we release a beta version. This process helped make Wasteland 2 the game the fans wanted.

Kickstarter also offers unique benefits to you, our fans and backers. From experience, you can trust that we will deliver, and Kickstarter offers an opportunity to get the game for the lowest price and join us on this journey. Long live the Bard!

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