Briefly, what are your political views?

What about hard drugs like heroin though? I'm sure people would overuse and od especially with the fillers like fentanyl that dealers use to cut it to get more from their batch.

All jokes aside, I'm personally for the legalization of harvesting opium and people smoking it over herion because it's an opiod in it's purest form. As far as prostitution goes, I believe that the working girls and guys are entrepreurs and deserve credit for their hard work. It should be legal hands down because sex will always sell and there will always be someone looking to get laid. It may seem easy to a lot of people but to have a business you have to market and promote your product. In a time without backpage and other online outlets that have been shut out. shout out to all of the prostitutes that are out there hustling and making money regardless whether it's online or on the streets, hats off to those ladies and gentleman.

The world is hopeful, This is probably the only thing I can agree with from our interesting discussion. But I like the idea of chaos and challenging authority, it gives me a warm comforting feeling.

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