Bring back old view models

All we can hope for is for them to at least make it an option to turn the FoV down. If these posts keep getting made, maybe something will be done, but the problem is they don't get too many upvotes, people keep downvoting them for some reason.

I personally don't mind that they look clunky, I'm more annoyed at the randomness of the recoil being made much more apparent. Before, you would notice the recoil was random, sometimes you would get "good" sprays with no recoil, and "bad" sprays with more recoil, but it wasn't that bad. With the gun now being closer to your face, the "randomness" of the recoil is much more obvious, and it's a lot more difficult to control because of that.

I've literally been fucked over by getting a "bad" spray in gunfight where I could have easily one countless times. (20 meters away, shooting someone from the side, recoil goes absolutely everywhere and I can't hit him, he turns around and sprays me down instantly). It's just so annoying that I ended up switching to the P250.

/r/playrust Thread