Bring Back Steals! On-ball steals from behind (and from the side) need to be buffed, slightly.

13.2: Andrew Tate said «let there be masculinity» and since his arrival masculinity has come back too stay.

And now he has been wrongfully arrested. Has masculinity come too stay or are you gonna keep living your pathetic life and not fight for something you know is right. Our savior needs our help.

In WW2 in Germany there was a 99% chance youd be a nazi. There were very few who could see trough the facade and see what was happening was wrong. And of those 1% that knew this was wrong, only 1% of them fought back. They lost because they were too few and it was too little too late, but they were eventually freed by us. We have noone too free us. This ideology has taken over the world so we have too be stronger and better, and be more willing too fight for whats right!

/r/NBA2k Thread