Bringing your kid with you to a sex shop

No this is just the way of Reddit, you can make any bullshit claim that sounds somewhat reasonable in the early stages of a post, and if it gets any upvotes everyone will mindlessly parrot you with absolutely zero evidence and the burden of proof falls entirely on the OP

it's one of the things that really makes me think twice about how everyone on here claims that reddit is so good at calling out bullshit and showing the objective proof in the comments with the voting system

This looks no different than any other Adam and Eve I've been into, there is no branding or indication that this is a Spencer's, in fact in my experience, Spencer's are usually dimly lit with much more variety, and a smaller selection of a certain kind of toy (think less dildos, more bondage, adult games, kinky accessories etc) whereas Adam and Eve is more along these lines of things actually having large sections for certain things like dildos, this is like the polar opposite of any Spencer's I've ever seen

It's probably one of the most annoying parts of Reddit in my opinion.. because this shit ALWAYS happens in one of two ways, calling bullshit for x reason with zero proof, and having an entire thread devoted to people pretending like they had the original thought of why this isn't true, or the other way it happens, when you have an actual expert speak on something obscure, and give a insightful comment about said thing, then 5000 other people make top level comments saying the exact same thing worded slightly different and basically calling the person it's directed to an idiot, pretending its incredibly common/basic knowledge. It's all just bullshit karma farming, and one of the biggest circlejerks on Reddit that goes completely unspoken, yet if you actually look for it you will see it FUCKING EVERYWHERE

people will do whatever they can to look smart for a few seconds by saying shit they literally just learned and barely managed to repeat in an accurate manner, or to gain karma instead of looking smart.

There are some genuinely brilliant fucking people on this website, but not even half as many as the comment sections would have you believe with so many people just stealing each other's comments and altering it slightly because they already know Reddit will upvote it, thus leading to more comments about it, and the more comments saying the same shit the more it confirms it for people who don't pretend they knew this off hand, thus leading to more upvotes, it's a stupid cycle of confirmation, in most cases, especially this one, where it gets propagated with zero evidence to back it up, and everyone else just takes this accusation as fact because there's so many highly upvoted comments saying the same shit, and next to nothing going against it because anyone that does generally gets downvoted for going against the group

It drives me nuts, and it's genuinely something I wish this website would get better about calling out as it happens

Source: just look at my karma, I'm a filthy karma whore and I know all the bullshit tricks people play to do this shit, but I'm an honest one if nothing else, I don't intentionally lie for fake internet points, and I really try not to propagate this parroting bullshit that is so incredibly prevalent on this website. Im not saying im totally innocent of it, but I make a conscientious effort not to do so

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