Britian/England whatever isn't that better then America

Lol. Dude I lived in UK my whole life and patriotism is literally practically dead. No one thinks the UK is amazing or the best country in Earth. If someone puts up and England flag most people assume they are racist. The only time we ever have even a semblance or national pride is for sports events like the world cup or Olympics.

The only pride you will ever see are Scottish and Welsh nationalists and regional things (E.g. Yorkshire or West Country with regional cultures).

Even our far right don't think the UK is great, their whole thing is about limiting immigration, even they don't think the UK is the greatest place on earth.

National pride is not a thing in Western Europe except for perhaps the Irish and various nationalist independence movements (E.g. Catalonia, Scotland, Irish reunification, Northern Italy).

/r/unpopularopinion Thread