British Muslim kids confront man who shouted terrorist at them

I'm late to this comment but as someone from the UK I'd like to offer a bit of input for what's it's worth.

These are scary times man we've got religious fundamentalists committing horrific acts hoping to rile up our people and make us turn on each other. We've got a media trying to do the same thing and a government telling us they need to take our rights away to protect us.

This guy said "I'm angry" I know how he feels if you look at my post history you'd see my politics and even I have these shitty thoughts from time to time. I think this was the most telling line in this. Because this bigoted bile is everywhere it gets into your head (however obviously you need to realise when you're having these dumb thoughts and NOT ACT ON THEM) and I think once he saw these were real people he was abusing he realised it's not helping to be angry at them. I'm not sure it's a cultural difference I think we just saw a scared older guy realise he was being nasty to some kids because of the colour of their skin.

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