Do British people generally dislike Germans?

Yes. You will always be a 2nd category person, but don't worry, they are racist, so 2nd is not that bad, after all Russians are like 3rd category, Japanese 4th, Africans like 20th.

English are obviously above the Scottish, who are above the Irish, who are above the Welsh.

In fact rating people, belonging to the proper clique is their way of life; if you don't speak the same accent you are also lower rated (they dont have TVs so every bum'fuck town and village has their own).

In Germany, if you have a company you want to hire the best people possible, in UK, they hire friends from their own university, who have the same accent and went to the same ski resort. You will never be allowed to get any position of power in any of their companies. I mean, in theory you will, because they arent racist as per policy, but this is only for the common folk, you know, up to a specialist. All management is nepotism.

And normal people have this too, I mean, they will be friendly, but behind your back they will laugh at your accent, because apparently you speak "ze" instead of "the", while 1) your accent is easier to understand than their shit 2) they cant speak any other foreign language at all.

/r/unitedkingdom Thread