Britney’s newest message to her sons via IG

So how pray tell is she supposed to communicate with them and try to open their eyes to the blatant manipulation they are facing by their father and family when they wont speak to her until she forgives her abusers?

This response is more than merited. Britney deserves respect regardless if it’s from her kids or not. They are 16 and 17 in less than 2 weeks. Someone needs to parent them and apparently Kfed wants that to happen in public over the media.

What Britney did was appropriate given the situation. That being said though, even if it wasnt totally appropriate, can we cut the woman some slack? She’s extremely traumatized, he entire family has sucked her dry for 14 years and now have manipulated her children, like maybe it’s not the end of the world for her to publicly tell her kids to think a little more deeply after they started dragging her through the media mud.

Like the whole situation sucks, sure. But goddamn Britney is not the bad guy in this story.

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