Brittany Simon accuses Destiny of bad faith. Says Destiny's questions to her were not born out of genuine curiosity but to confirm his biases

I'm really not a fan of the way Brittany handled the "conservative women will be more traumatized from assault" topic. The whole reason she brought up her familial background in willingness to fight is because she used it to explain how less traumatizing fighting is for her than sexual assault. The fact that she's more comfortable with physical confrontation because she grew up with physical violence being normalized and even glorified indicates that a conservative woman who has a far more restricted, shame oriented engagement with sex would be more traumatized from sexual assault.

It's like she thinks a professional fighter who gets into physical confrontation every day of the week at their local boxing gym is going to have the same trauma response as a person who's raised in a pacifist household and shamed for so much getting into a shouting match at school being jumped.

That doesn't mean a professional fighter wants to fight with everyone or that they wont experience any amount of trauma, it just means there's an added level of trauma built on top of the initial violation due to the sanctity / shame / restrictions / unknowns around the activity that they were violated by.

Is Brittany really willing to tell a virgin who was saving themselves for marriage that their r*pe is no more traumatic than a person who doesn't sanctify their virginity / body count? You'd have to invalidate / ignore the reasons why someone is upset about an assault to not grant D's position or assert that the reasons why someone's traumatized are disconnected from the amount of trauma they experience. It's so silly.

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