Britta's character

I can't fucking stand Britta, but why would that mean I deny the depth of her character? Britta is a well-written character. Jacobs' performance was great. The dynamic between her an the other characters is just as good as that between any other characters. But being "damaged" doesn't redeem her at all to me. She's still annoying, hypocritical, and outrageously ignorant and self-righteous. I don't have to excuse what I don't like about her because she went through some shit.

It really seems like that's what you're saying, so forgive me if that wasn't your point, but I just feel that it's silly to fault people for disliking Britta. She's made to be a perfect dichotomy of what we both love and hate about fictional characters, specifically comedic ones. Somewhat like Skylar from Breaking Bad, people hating the character means that the character is doing its job.

The show would suffer without Britta, but I don't enjoy her presence regardless. However I fail to see why that should affect my - or anyone else's - enjoyment of the show overall.

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