Broke up with bf but I want to get back together

What does everything think? I’m going to assume everyone thinks you’re a teenager. 3 months is around the period when you really really start to know a person you’re dating. That’s when the sparkle fades and your brain chemistry starts to return to normal after peaking when meeting somebody connect with. Basically, you start to think clearer and the roses become daisies.

If you two broke up in such a way, I don’t think either of you are emotionally mature enough for a full-on relationship. Get back together if you must but I’ll put money down that you’ll be in the same boat in a month or so. Why? Because nothing will have changed. The fundamentals of your relationship and your own foundation as a person is still wobbly. Leave with the lessons learned at try to pick a more suitable match next time.

/r/askgaybros Thread