So BroMoms: can we talk sex?

So: how often are y'all getting it on? Is it too much, too few, just right amounts?

We'd both like more, but we have to be mindful of my fibromyalgia. We're currently sleeping on our sofa bed due to our daughter being disturbed by SO's snoring and her bedroom has some maintenance work that needs doing before she can go in there. The lack of supportive mattress ups my pain but I refuse to sleep in seperate beds.

And, for the sake of this convo- how much of the loving is "let's just grab a sandwich" vs "let's have lobster, steak, & wine" kind of time?

It's usually somewhere between the 2. Extravagance is saved for nights away and holidays/special occasions

How many times a day/week/month/year?

About once every 3 weeks at the moment. Probably once a week once we're back in our bed.

How do y'all keep it fun? Perfecting the art of "knocking boots without hooligans knocking on the door"?

Lots of positions and being willing to laugh at ourselves. Setting challenges when things are getting stale - eg make me orgasm every day for a week, surprise each other at some point in a week

And "outside the boudoir" romance. How do you, on a day to day, stay connected while the kids try to burn down the house?

Communicate. We text a lot, sometimes mundane, sometimes flirty. We hold hands when out, sneak kisses in the kitchen, cuddle when we can but always before going to sleep. We're not cuddly sleepers but generally have our feet or butts touching as we sleep. And we talk about our sex life if either of us has a problem. We split for 2.5yrs and a big reason was lack of sex but also lack.of intimacy, we had very little physical contact and didn't rationally discuss our issues just argued about them. We've grown up a lot and whilst it's not perfect, we're happy

/r/breakingmom Thread