Bros who gave up on trying to find love. Why?

So I gave up on finding love for about a decade because I was really sick (chronic illness), I had a couple hookups and flings but those just made me even more convinced I wouldn't be able to find anyone for anything more than that, eventually I gave up and it didn't really bother me that much (or so I thought).

anyway I got myself a puppy because I figured it would give me something to do, I was literally doing nothing, I had a motorcycle accident and other stuff on top of the chronic illness and spent most of my time on the couch, but I was healthy enough to care for a puppy.

anyway I got this puppy and the girl next door (2 houses down) saw it, got excited, came running over - didn't even knock, just let herself in after yelling over the fence to see if she could come see him, and now we're dating and shits looking good, all of a sudden I have all the stuff I was missing out on and she's a really good girl with a great family who I like and have a lot in common with. Best decision ever was getting that puppy. Anyway you just never know what'll happen but I was pretty much the least dateable person after ~10 years single (again with a few tries here and there) and she just decided she's in love with me or whatever. Cool beans.

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