Brother called me a "b**ch" for having trouble socializing in college

You know, my older brother made an incredibly awful comment to me over a year ago. And I honestly thank him for it. (He's generally a really nice guy but has anger problems that make him an awful person to be around when he's pissed- when otherwise he's incredibly fun to be with).

We were going on a long train ride, and he said what he said before boarding and my seat was separate from the rest of my family. And for that 6 hours, I kept repeating what occured in my head nearly the whole ride. How awful what he said was, how I wish I could've retorted, etc.

My head was filled with really negative thoughts, and I kept replaying what he said again and again and again.

Then I asked myself. Why am I letting that single sentence dictate how I feel? I don't have to let him get to me. He doesn't control how I feel. I'm suffering while he doesn't even remember what happened. What he said was a reflection of his personality, not mine.

I decided that I would stop caring. And consciously deciding that was my first big leap into beating my SA.

/r/socialanxiety Thread