Browser extension speed test seems suspiciously fast!

Right now 2:57AM Central time, every single server (if I can actually connect to them) no matter the latency is more than halving my internet speed. PIA turned off I'm getting about 210 to 230mbps. I pay for 200. Turning it on will see an initial spike of around 100mbps and then settle down around 20-40mbps.

I've had some odd issues with PIA that I haven't had with other VPNs. Unfortunately I signed up for another year a few months ago before problems started to pop up. I don't want to end up in tech support hell so I guess I'll just deal with it and switch providers when my term is up. If it gets bad enough I'll switch.

For reference, 223.4 down, 10 up to Dallas no PIA 30.7 down, 2.07 up to Toronto with PIA.

I've used this server (or at least the location) for nearly 2 years with nary an issue until about a month ago maybe?

I expect a loss when using a VPN but fuck.

/r/PrivateInternetAccess Thread