Brutal redpill that no one here ever talks about, how physically attractive you REALLY are, as judged by science and women

I don't blame my face for my problems. I try to look at the world as it really is and work within its confines. You know what's not a fun truth?

Tall men are more attractive.

I've always thought that's not fucking fair. Women can directly control how fat they are, and men can't control their height at all! But somehow it's okay to make fun of short guys, but not fat women.

But you know what?

It doesn't matter what I think is fair. It matters what is true. So either you whine and stay blue-pilled and wish that women were attracted to short men, or you try and do whatever the fuck you can to fix it. There are WAY more ways to alter your face than their are to "alter" your height (such as shoe lifts), so you just have to deal with the hand you're given.

And I'm 193 cm (6'4"), now that I'm all growed up, so don't think this is coming from a place of victimhood. This is coming from a place of realizing that the height advantage is fucking unfair, even though I'm not personally affected by it.

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