Is a BS in CS degree from the college of arts and sciences at my school reputable?

Don't worry about the distinction, most people won't care and the distinction between either program is probably minimal to the requirements of a job that it doesn't really make sense to use the degree as a metric

Question you should be asking yourself is whether or not it matters to you

I'm pretty certain this is UofM, the job prospects are pretty much identical for either degree except if you want to do more "mathy" work (Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Digital Signal Processing, etc.), but your work experience will matter far more than the degree will

Focus on internships over the degree (still do good in school but don't hit yourself over the head to maintain high grades), those are more representative of the type of career you'll get when you graduate but it's not going to really stop you from pivoting later or even when you do graduate

Also, don't be afraid of the math courses or engineering courses, math is really beautiful in my opinion and I personally think I'm a better SWE for it, but at the same time you can learn everything you need on your own

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