The budget fruiting chamber. I call it Kitty Tek.

Now there was one major issue with this set up. I noticed after 6 days of fruiting, the substrate was shrunken, but there were no fruits. Even with spraying and misting. Then, realizing I hadn't used a liner as I do with my tubs, I checked the bottom. Pins everywhere, fuck. So I had to do some surgery. I carefully took out the sub (nice n healthy!) and flipped it over, so that the pins could grow out. In the next day or so, I will discover whether this worked, or if I killed the pins. The sub did split in half, but I am confident in the mushies.

Anyway as for the tek. This is Damion5050's elementary coir tek, which is originally designed for 5 quarts of spanw, downsized to 1 quart of spawn (colonized rye berries).

The cat litter container is emptied and the interior should be sterilized with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol and vinegar. Not a lot, just enough to fill the bottom. Then I shake it a ton and let it sit for an hour or two.

After it is emptied (didn't let it dry, just drilled right at it), I used a power drill to make 8, one-inch holes. Four at sub-level, four near the tub, mimicking a mono-tub. Now at this point I should have placed a black liner, duct-taped below the bottom holes.

Next I used a tiny drill bit to drill a lot of tiny holes so as to remove the top half of the container (refer to the pics). This hole serves to pour in the sub and spawn. After pouring it is sealed with ceranwrap and duct tape.

Other than the container itself, everything else is just a downsized Damion5050 Coir tek. Not much else to it. It's my first time trying this so it's not fool-proof, but I had extra spawn so I figured I'd experiment.

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