Budgeting app for couples, Can't seem to find what will work for us

We have just released a new app, certaincents.com that I think might be just what you're searching for. It uses true budgeting (not forced monthly buckets) and automatically analyzes your spending to assist the budget building process based on your history.

Most important, it forecasts your cashflow so you can see what your balance will look like up to a year in advance.

Our philosophy is to automate as much as possible leaving you to focus on the important things and keep you involved with your budget enough see the "big picture". This simplifies budgeting and means that all you'll have to do is allocate transactions to budgets as they come in. Think, 15 minutes a week to manage your finances instead of 5 hours.

If you're interested, send me a private message and I can help get you started!

Mitch www.certaincents.com

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