"I Built My Identity Around Being Bipolar. Then My Doctor Said I Wasn't Bipolar."

This is unfortunately very common.

They tell people that all of their problems are due a single cause, and that cause isn't "exactly" -them-, but is a part of them, but it's not a part they can control (being innate; genetic, a weakness), but that if they accept labels, take pills, and tell people what they want to hear that magically most of their problems will go away, or at least "the authority" and "educated" will understand their plight.

Then reality sets in.

They start to notice that the psychiatric workers refuse to listen to them when they say they're doing well, without any reason. Workers refuse to discuss their presumptions with them, attempt to control conversations, reactive with inappropriate laughter, victim blaming and condescension. Even if that is eventually addressed, those behaviors are considered "normal and mature" for them, but if clients report on it, then it's seen as psychological symptom. It's seen as a threat to their group, to the agency's reputation, to the power structure and so on. It gets shut down.

So people make a mental note that they're Rights and dignity aren't really respected and chalk it up to a general society and humanity problem, but they're still convinced by worker's earlier arguments that people need the pills, and so clients hope they can convince workers that their life is improving (because some people need that officially acknowledged when they've been officially labeled as problematic; it's required to move on in many fields).

Then people notice authorities, especially teachers, parents and 'informed' co-workers start to use them as a scapegoat and punching bag, often bullying, lying, stealing, mocking and publicly trying to humiliate them. This behavior especially kicks up when people get bored, antsy, feel low about themselves or need someone to blame. There are dozens of sociological experiments and terms associated with this behavior, and it's well documents. Kick-down kiss-up, kick-the-dog, identified patient, etc.

So clients start to note that people aren't using reason or evidence, people just ignore their Rights, and that those same people declare asserting Rights is a sign of illness, that calling out human Rights violations is a sign of illness, etc.

So people make a mental note about that, but they still believe that there is so much overwhelming academic, governmental and social support for the mental health system that it must still be right, despite the fact there are bad apples in society, and despite there isn't much help coming from the system, other than the pills.

Then after one to many instances of blatant human Rights abuses, false accusations, victim blaming or other acts, clients ask to see their records. That's a battle in itself. Agencies claim it's because too much negative self awareness can be detrimental, but many clients instead have found out it's because most of the "medical files" don't contain any medical data at all, but instead personal attacks, claims about people's inner thoughts and "secret" motives to hide their supposed inferiority.

Most are awestruck by all the extreme claims made about. About their intellectual capability, insight, general awareness, skill sets, daily activities, etc... most of which are either completely made up or exaggerated. So clients start to ask questions.

Eventually the narrative collapses and they blame the client.

It's not the workers or agencies fault for lying about the client or lying to the client. The client made all the lies up, and the agency (which made money off the whole deal or got social points from authorities/groups), and it was the poor people with all the power and money that were taken for a ride. The clients just wanted drugs... even though they were forced on the drugs as children. Then they say the clients just wanted to exploit the welfare system, when they were forced out of school and the workforce and parked and forced on welfare by the agencies for perpetual billing.

Eventually some people start to wake up. They start to ask questions and read research. Not articles, but the direct research.

They notice the most prominent intellectuals in the industry have been trying to point out the flaws and abuses in the system.

They read the DSM and ICD-M and realize the criteria don't sound scientific and are poorly reasoned.

They read up on the chemical imbalance hypothesis and forms of pseudoscience.

They learn to spot assumptions in reasoning and how the whole system is built on people trying to reason their presumptions.

Basically it comes to this: if you tell someone their assumptions are just assumptions, you are mentally ill, and people have rights to make assumptions about you, and if that negatively impacts your life, that's your own fault.

And that's the entire reasoning behind the current mental health system.

The drugs don't solve problems. The labels are made up and have nothing to do with irrationality or illnesses.

It's all a system of control designed so that groups and authorities can quiet victims or pick out random people to scapegoat and/or exploit.

There thousands and thousands of cases that prove the system is exploited for those purposes, and there isn't a single united cause in the establishment to make psychiatry something more rock solid, scientific and reasoned.

The system is about equating non-criminal negativity and non-criminal non-conformity with irrationality and insanity.

That's the entire point of the criteria in the DSM and ICD, and that is also how narratives are spun in diagnostics and records.

The status quo to protect people's perceived statuses are all that matter, and if you're not a mindless reinforcer or worse... a victim, then you must be attacked so they can differentiate themselves from you.

And that's it.

Don't like something? Mental illness.

Don't agree? Mental illness.

Only care about evidence-based reasoning? Mental illness.

Defend yourself from attacks or report attacks? Mental illness.

Just being a victim of attacks? Mental illness.

Oppressed by claims of mental illness? Mental illness.

It's all unreasoned bias masquerading as a science.

/r/Antipsychiatry Thread Link - phillymag.com