Bungie is an estimated $2,000,000,000 company but their estimated merch shipping times are 1 month -> 2 years with NO CUSTOMER SUPPORT.

In my opinion, support needs work across the board. General game support, not just the store. Nobody actually responds to you if you have a serious question or issue with your account - it's just random folks on the forum that have never demonstrated any technical knowledge, that just tell you things you already know and offer nothing new yet serve their key purpose of being a barrier between us and the people that the feedback is intended for.

I got in touch on the forums about a clan I wanted, that had no members in it (Lord Jesus Christ the clan system is a mess) and someone with a plastic sheriff's badge told me 'yeah, that's because nobody's in it'. That's super, I'm glad you agree. Now can I please talk to a developer that knows what they're doing?

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread