Bungie: please reconsider drop rate for Season of Opulence. Season of the Drifter was exactly the opposite of how we want to grind for guns.

That would be better, but there are literally thousands of useless rolls possible. If you want a spades rations, and keep getting something else, this won’t help. Some people get spare rations once every 50 runs, this will decrease it to like 30. That’s still not an acceptable amount of time for a random roll. Say that, on average, you get one spare rations every 6 runs (that’s optimistic). That’s like 3 hours with load times. So it’ll take 3 hours for one random roll of a weapon you want. And you can keep getting the same shit roll over and over again. It’s frustrating that they had a great way to farm in black armory, but then apparently decided:”oh, the community likes grinding for a specific weapon with less rng? Fuck you.”

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