Bungie Plz Addition: Normalize Warlock Melee Speed To Match Other Classes, Or Increase Range To Compensate

Every time this issue comes up, you're bound to run into certain complaints:

Warlocks have HHSN, which is an unfair 1HKO (and some people insist it's a melee, and that it's consistent [it's not]). Warlocks have Arc Web - which works in quickplay, and against low skill comp teams. Sure, it's strong situationally. Warlocks have bottom tree Dawnblade - This is a fair complaint, much like any extended-by-kill super, and it's about to get nerfed. Warlock used to have OP Nova Warp. And now it sucks, aside from the neutral game. Cool. Why are you still talking about it?

Ok. Those are genuine class/ability balance issues. There are plenty of those, like whining about bottom tree Striker and whatnot. Those are are fair topics to bring up by themselves. This topic is about Warlocks having a basic ability (uncharged melee) that has a significantly slower reset than Hunters/Titans. Their melee is the same speed and range and damage as the other two, but resets slower. As in, a wimpy lore nerd slaps as hard and fast as their peers punch/stab, but needs to catch their breath and slaps a second time much slower for some reason. A warlock can hit first in PvP, and get punched/stabbed in the dick twice before they're ready to slap again. Please don't bring up lore as a valid reason for this. Just don't.

Imagine if Titans took longer to sprint than the other classes for no reason. Imagine if Hunters took longer to crouch for no reason. These things have nothing to do with supers/abilities. They'd just be pointless weaknesses intrinsic to certain classes. In D2, uncharged melees are meant to be uniform (every single thread, D1 differences are brought up as if they're still fact...). Warlock was left out on the reset time for some reason. Maybe it was because of the lesser lunge distance? (Yes, the range is the same on all melees, but Warlocks have a weird magic attack range to their slaps while Hunters/Titans lunge that distance in the same time). Who knows. But in PvP, it can be a game changer, and is a pointless disadvantage.

Should you be caught up in slap fights in PvP? No. You should play better than that. Does it happen anyways? All the time. It makes sense that all three classes should have the same values for their basic, non-class-related, movements, no?

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread