Bureaucratic villains?

Rodcorte's a pretty good version of this: He's from an almost decent isekai novel called The Death Mage Doesn't Want to Die A Fourth Time.

Rodcorte's the usual starting God that's become typical of Isekai trash: He summons a bunch of people from our world, gives them cheat abilities, reincarnates them into a new one, starting off the story.

The catch is that Rodcorte's the physical embodiment of that customer service rep who has a quota to fill, and you're just part of said quota. Your problems, your emotions, your insults, doesn't matter. Bounces off him like a brick wall. Everyone is just one more number to move along.

He's the main antagonist of the story largely by accident: It all kicks off because he reads a name wrong. And in trying to 'fix' that fuck-up (Read: Just get the customer back in the queue as quickly as possible rather than actually addressing their complaint), the plot gets going.

There's no malice to him, he's not really evil, at worst he's incompetent. He just wants his Circle of Transmigration to run smoothly, and if as a consequence of his fuck-ups somewhere down the line tons of people die? Meh. Numbers are good. Keep the line moving, please.

/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay Thread