Burned on a trade?

Hey, great news everybody!

Poor little Jay, our brave OP, was not been ripped off! Huzzah!

Gather kids as I set our tale in one of those shitty red states where no rational adult would ever choose to live unless really desperate, crazy, or on meth as we meet I, the supposedly dastardly villainous trader in J."s twisted little fairy tale. Looking into my bubbling cauldron of the Criterion subreddit I spy our noble and not at all paranoid and reactionary hero J., an innocent babe who has freshly ventured like a special needs fawn into the forest of Criterion sale and trade threads. Clutched timidly under his arm is a fresh, sealed bluray of Salo. With evil intent (clearly, duh) I hatch a scheme where I offer a copy of Vampyr for trade. J enthusiastically agrees, I send him contact info, then he gets lost in the fucking woods or whatever and doesn't write back for a week. I stopped checking my inbox to see if this guy was ever going to contact me and go through with the trade, as he is but a young tender lad who perhaps doesn't understand the basic trading forest etiquette. After I stopped checking my inbox he finally gets back to me and sends the item, but I don't know it since I'm not looking at the inbox. Oh how evil to have other shit to do and not check my Reddit inbox as I am legally and morally obligated to do EVERY SINGLE DAY without fail. What a heartless bastard am I!

But brave little J, our intrepid hero and not at all delusional op, instead of thinking "hey, I ghosted this guy for a week so I guess I shouldn't freak out that I haven't heard from him for a week so maybe I will wait until after the package arrives to accuse anyone of anything" sees through such evil manipulations and right into the black heart of the fucker who would steal his beloved copy of Salo. Mustering his bravery, will, and bizarre contradictory logic, our hero J. decides he is being ripped off! If he had waited one more day, the package he sent would have shown up in the other trader's mailbox, that guy (um, me) would have realized the J., who ghosted him and didn't seem serious about the trade actually WAS serious and would have learned on that special day that I was not trying to rip him off and I would have sent him Vampyr.

So another successful trade and happy ending for the Criterion subreddit. Fuck no. J has to make a crazy post claiming he has been ripped off! Poor J! The trader elves rain down their magic downvote arrows, because there is like zero chance our hero J is wrong here and blowing shit out of proportion. Except the item was still in transit and now the I, the callow recipient knows to wait by the front window and watch for the good fairy mail lady. And while reading J's latest crazy ass contradictory post, I spot her, run outside to the mailbox and refuse receipt of the package, telling her I don't want to touch anything from that crazy ass drama queen, uh, I mean that noble not-at-all-a-drama queen intrepid hero J. She gives a laugh, says "I don't blame you" scans the package with her magic wand and drops it back in her bin and takes flight from my evil lair.

J. IS SAVED! HIS PRECIOUS BLURAY WILL BACK IN HIS DELUSIONAL ARMS IN 5 TO 7 DAYS! oh joy, oh bliss. J.'s tortured victimhood will soon be over! He can check that fucking tracking number that he probably should have checked before accusing people of ripping him off as it comes back to good ole PA.

The end.

Ps, don't waste your time trying to trade with this fucking psycho.

/r/criterion Thread