Bustre - Shadow

Listen, I'm not the one to get angry about things like this, but after it's constant happenings something should be said. You guys most likely know hydra3019, also known as the "Genre Nazi". I, myself, made a comment in reply to him and what happened was he was downvoted by 3 people and I was upvoted by 5 people, removing my own upvote. This is the least severe case, but he was offering to help and he was knocked down most likely because of his name and the bandwagon that follows after him. He was just trying to help.

While he's picked on a bit by everyone, it's one thing but I actually don't mean it. I've seen some rude things by the community here and even worse is how people will spree downvotes on him. And while you think that this is a minority of the people who actually do it, I know for a fact a lot of the regulars here are doing this. It's not fair to him.

What you don't realize is that when he actually tries to help, he gets dirt kicked in his face by downvoters and disrespectful people. Honestly, I'm surprised he is this tolerant to everyone acting like this and even worse is that the downvote targetting is against reddit, as well as how he is downvoted for just being there. It's supposed to be used for low-quality posts, not if you disagree or have something in spite.

After all of this, I feel it's unfortunate that this happens. There's been several harsh attacks against hydra, and the damage has been done, several times. I honestly don't know if you feel proud or glad that this happens, but I request that everyone goes through and upvotes hydra's comments to somehow, someway, give back what is taken from him.

Points don't matter. Feelings do. He could care less, but I still could care more. He's a member of the family, and I don't want him to be attacked by his siblings.

An example of one of the worst cases; http://www.reddit.com/r/Monstercat/comments/2qg32d/genre_guide_update_made_it_more_accessible_and/.

I guess ultimately this is the straw that broke the camel's back for me to say something. It's noticeable. I'm sorry, hydra.

/r/DnB Thread Link - youtube.com