But, but, but...

Okay, so the most common plant extract during cold season is eucalyptus oil in the form of Vick’s VapoRub (or whatever off brand you prefer), and I want to point out that even Vick’s, created for topical treatment, is actually quite dangerous for children. Another huge problem with this product is that it actually tricks you into “feeling better” while potentially making your condition worse and can even cause breathing issues. Vick’s is obviously not just eucalyptus extract either, it’s heavily diluted with other ingredients and it’s still(!) this dangerous and not recommended for toddlers.

If anyone can please explain to me why these fucking junk science oils don’t come with a warning I would really love to know, because Vick’s has one.

Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/common-cold/expert-answers/nasal-decongestant/faq-20058569

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