But why it seems legit to me

  • Discovery
  • Design
  • Oops! A breaking requirement slipped through everyone's awareness
  • Rediscover
  • Redesign
  • Redevelop
  • Oops! Features be creepin'. Sales sold the customer these shiny new things, marketing wants to rework that feature, and -- now that we're testing -- this assumption here was wrong
  • Panicked micro-discovery
  • Hack design to accomodate above bouquet of oopsie-daisies
  • Develop based on the new hacky patchwork design M U H M U H M U H M A X I M U M S P A G H E T T I F I C A T I O N
  • Suggest rewriting the MVP now (that we actually know requirements) to avoid the tsunami of tech debt that will wash away devs and immolate mountains of cash maintaining the current monstrosity
  • Get laughed at by manager with a sunk-cost fallacy twinkle in his or her eye
  • Maintain monstrosity codebase with a velocity not dissimilar to dragging one's nuts through broken glass
  • Bail. New job, new greenfield project!
  • GOTO step 1.
/r/ProgrammerHumor Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it