But what about men?

You're absolutely right. Feminism unapologetically and unflinchingly centers around women. It is the fight against patriarchy and not equal rights, otherwise it'd be called equalism. And it's definitely not men vs women that some idiots think.

Also, bringing up issues pertaining to men is not the only way men does whataboutism when it comes to feminism. They say things like " you are right but not all men does this" to divert the main issue. One of the worst things among that is nitpicking every word or sentence and using that to detail a completely legit argument even though your intentions were right all along. It's been done with survivors of harassment like we saw in Brett Cavanough hearings.

I've actually noticed that men who say these things are the ones who genuinely believe that they have something to gain from patriarchy and current status quo, its like they live in a cult where culture of toxic masculinity and patriarchy seems like a badge of pride and honour. I'm telling you a guy's complete view of feminism and humanity changes once he gets out of this cult. Terry Crews is a great example of this.

In reality, patriarchy only hurts men but it oppresses the hell out of women. It has been doing so for centuries and one doesn't need to go that far, just pick up a newspaper and one'll see.

I personally think that men need to make other men accountable for this kind of behaviour. Mind you, the same men who engage in whataboutism about feminism mostly will be the ones who make fun of men who are victims of abuse or harassment. So yeah, preach!

/r/TwoXIndia Thread