But you're killing my dream of one day becoming a billionaire!

>Scotland spent over £12 billion on healthcare in 2015/16 which accounted for 40% of the Scottish Government's total budget.[8] The NHSScotland consists of approximately 161,000 employees, 9.2% of whom are medical or dental doctors, 42.9% nurses and midwives, 18.2% administrative services, 3.9% healthcare scientists, and the remaining 25.8% in various other medical services.[9] In the past several years, healthcare costs have been rising in Scotland. Despite this, Scots have a generally favorable view of their NHS service with 61% of the population either very or quite satisfied with the service. This is in contrast to a diminishing view in England of their NHS system

According to (Wikipeadia)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Healthcare_in_Scotland] he is off by a factor of ten.

FAR more important in my view is Scotland's current tax rates: https://www.mygov.scot/income-tax-rates-and-personal-allowances

1734.66 0.00%
2024.046 19.00%
3490.848 20.00%
6025.356 21.00%
20700 41.00%

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