Buy a house or continue renting

You didn’t ask, but I’d be more concerned that your SO isn’t aligned with you on FIRE.

Also, if your spouse does not believe in FIRE you two really need to have a discussion prior to tying the knot.

definition of "believe", this would be a concern for my relationship long-term.

Addressing this on your comment, but others have commented on the same thing. This is not much of a problem, we've been living together for the past 3 years and have kept our finances fairly separate and we intend on keeping them relatively separate in marriage. We pay for things proportionately to income and its worked out wonderfully for us, since we both view that as fair.

We have different viewpoints on FIRE but they're not wildly different, we just approach them in different ways. She fully expects to be working until she's 65 or whenever "retirement" is. I don't really subscribe to the RE part of FIRE, I more just want to not rely on my job to provide me income so that I can take greater risks. I love my line of work and fully intend on working as long as I can. She likes to focus more on her current happiness and I prefer to delay gratification. Plus, if I can save/invest enough to cover both of our expenses and still be FI early on, that would be wonderful and is a goal of mine but its not a requirement. I'm lucky to have the job/background that I do

We come from wildly different backgrounds, her as an immigrant from a third world country and I an upper middle class family. We both have come to learn from how each other thinks and it has brought us closer together. Sometimes I focus on the future too much, and sometimes she doesn't think of it enough. As we've been together we've both grown our viewpoints and become better people. We have a really healthy relationship, and our differences in viewpoints strengthen our way of life

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