Buy/Sell discord servers for DoH/L?

Nobody wants competition, and with the few items you can profit from the MB, no one wants to share their secrets. I know I don't. Why would I? I spent a lot of time studying the market and now I have to study the markets on different servers. It took a lot of time getting lv70 on all crafting and gathering jobs as well and it was very expensive to do so. It takes a lot of time and I don't expect anyone to share their secrets either except youtubers who want ad revenue by spoiling the market.

People don't appreciate the market prices like they should in this game. They think everyone is able to easily obtain said items and sell it for 500gil when it should be worth 5mil gil. A gross exaggeration but my point remains, the MB is pretty bad as it is, no one should want to share their secrets for free. :P

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