The BVPS lore

Edit. The first book is in the unique chest in the little house behind the collapsed house.

The first book says:

Broville Paranormal Society Event Log

April, 3rd, 2013

We´ve finally gotten permission to investigate the old Asylum. This is the one what Will put us in the big times! No more unclogging drains for this plumber! We´ve been interviewed by the Broville Beat, we´ve even gotten a televisión deal! I´ve rounded up all the guys and we´re heading out to the asylum next week. In the meantime I need to get my equipment together!

April, 10, 2013

We arrived to the Asylum. The old main gates are passable, but moving equipment through those small rusted holes in the gate is troublesome so i´ve parked the truck out here by the dormatories. We managed to force a door open and should be able to enter the facility this way with our equipment intact. I brought along a generator and some lights, i’m not sure what to expect in here. The place has been closed off since the 1930’s, so I highly doubt any on premeses generators would work.

The complete lore will be close, it's too much work, bye.

/r/BrovilleCity Thread Parent