BWF Daily Discussion and Beginner/RR Questions Thread for 2017-05-31

Hi all! M/150Lbs/5'11". Almost done with my second full week of training, and stuck on whether or not I should commit to Move (Im around Phase 3, it feels like) or the RR. Couple of questions and any general advice would be helpful too. Waiting on Friday to post some form checks.

  • I ruled out doing weighted squats with free weights because the only thing I have access to are up to 50 pound bells, and I can do non-weighted squats all day. My issue is that I can't progress to pistol-squats. Should I just use barbells for now and build up strength to progress?

  • Is there any point in trying to do a bunch of sets of 2 pull-ups throughout the day if my max is 3? Or do I just do more sets and also add negatives for now?

  • On the other hand, does it matter if I go for HSPU or Dips for vertical pushing? I'm likely doing dips very wrong, but I can make it through most of the sets. HSPU I started at 3 seconds of resistance.

  • Should I be doing push-up/row progressions until it's "easy" or move on when they can be completely done with no form break down whatsoever? It took me no time to complete diamond push-ups/horizontal rows before adding vertical push/pull and now they're struggling on the third and second sets respectively.

  • On diet, any solid recommendations for high protein foods? Right now chicken and eggs are my go to with a homemade peanut butter protein smoothie but I still don't get near my necessary count most days.

I also could be doing a lot of these exercises wrong so is it cool to wait for Form Check Friday and dump recordings of pretty much every exercise to make sure they're ok?

Thank you!

/r/bodyweightfitness Thread