It's been a couple years and I'm having a similar issue however it is with my personal laptop. I seem to have been high one night and sit a password which I cannot seem to remember. I've gone through all of my basic passwords which I usually use on my laptops (quick login and authentication purposes) as I don't use them for work or shady business.
I'm trying to install Kali instead of Ubuntu but I cannot bring up the boot menu without an administrator password
The question is, did you ever find a workaround for this?
I have tried everything in my book that I know of and every "workaround" there is. I even pulled the battery to try to reset the CMOS (knowing it wouldn't affect the password lock) to no avail. I'd hate to lose this laptop and money is tight so I'm afraid to call HP or micro center (I didn't buy the warranty when I got the laptop last year either but I think it comes with a year or two warranty through HP if I'm not mistaken?)
If you have any information that can help please let me know, otherwise it was worth a shot.