C Program, Large ints, UINT_MAX, and SIGFPE/SIGTRAP

I see I overlooked pow incrementing by *= 10. So i'm guessing this is causing integer overflow after a certain value and since it's unsigned it wraps around to zero. Since UINT_MAX is 10 integers long, i'm guessing it will perform 1010 = 10,000,000,000, which would loop around to 0 because of it's 11 integers. I'm super close to getting it, I'm just missing some small logical schema. This is my entire function:

HugeInteger *parseInt(unsigned int n)
    HugeInteger *hugeInt;
    int i, intLen = 0;
    unsigned int localN = n, pow, x;

while(localN != 0)
    localN /= 10;

hugeInt = createHugeInt();
if(hugeInt == NULL)
    return NULL;

hugeInt->digits = createDigits(hugeInt, intLen);
if(hugeInt->digits == NULL)
    return NULL;

localN = n;
for(pow = 1, i = 0; localN / pow > 0; pow *= 10)
    hugeInt->digits[i++] = localN / pow % 10;

return hugeInt;


And this is its call from main where I get the errors with its declaration: HugeInteger *p; hugePrint(p = parseInt(UINT_MAX));

The associated print function:

void hugePrint(HugeInteger *p)
int i;

if (p == NULL || p->digits == NULL)
    printf("(null pointer)\n");

for (i = p->length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    printf("%d", p->digits[i]);

Expected output for UINT_MAX argument should be: 4294967295

Again, I really appreciate any input!

/r/C_Programming Thread