C4S4 - 27 Hours Late

Bomb Bag && Legos

5 t2, 15 t1, 45 build


”Oh god please no”

A bomb bag with lego designs on the outside. The bombs within are made of, you guessed it, Legos, and you can mix and match them for scary results. T2 bombkind


  • Mix n’ Match: When you use a bomb, you may add one effect from a different type of bomb onto it.

  • Legosplosion: When a bomb explodes, it leaves behind a 5x5 area of Legos, which deal Td4 damage whenever someone steps on it.

  • Manufacture: As a major action, you may roll Engineering with a DC of 12. If you pass, you add one bomb to your cache. If you roll above 20, you add two instead.

  • Creation: When you take a long rest, you may choose to come up with one bomb effect to use until the next long rest. This must be cleared by the DM, obviously.

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