A cage is still a cage

Consumerism is the preoccupation of society with the acquisition of consumer goods.

In this example, the goods are a service which provides access to the gym equipment.

Preoccupation is the state or condition of being preoccupied or engrossed with something.

You're preoccupied with the gym membership.

Capitalism gaslit all of us. One of the biggest things it has done so with is the illusion of choice.

You understand there are other choices to excercise, but don't believe you can get the adequate exercise without the gym equipment because of advertising and propaganda.

They've sold it to you a necessary so you will give up what little wealth you've accumulated at the end of the day.

And then now we're here we've you've proclaimed your anger at the world and the system that opresses you, but you don't understand how it does so and what role in that relationship you play.

/r/antiwork Thread Parent