California doesn't have enough doctors. To recruit them, the state is paying off medical school debt

Cost of dental school is between 50k per year (in state tuition, including fees and housing) to 100k per year (private school including fees and housing) today.

Think about that. Eliminate housing and you still are a shit load of debt and years behind your colleagues in different fields. Most of my friends who didn't go to medical or dental school have saved up about a million or so between stocks, savings, and other investments. They studied engineering, comp sci, finance, and pharmacy (Rutgers pharmacy is accelerated) in college and went straight to work. I have been pumping my earnings to pay off my dental debt, with about 10 years left before it's paid off early. My net worth is still negative dollars, despite having a house, due to my debt.

Sure, 250k forgiveness would be awesome, but Medi-Cal reimbursement would mean I'm practicing at a loss. Between staff, materials, rent, utilities, etc, the operating cost to provide care would kill many providers with a heavy Medi-Cal patient population.

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