California High School Students March in Favor of 2nd Amendment Rights

How would you feel if Congress passed a law that banned a specific sect of a religion, such as the Wahhabism branch of Islam? There is ample evidence that Wahhabism has radicalized many Islamic terrorists in the last 30 years. However Congress does not ban Wahhabism because of the 1st Amendment. When control advocates call for bans on “military-style-assault weapons” (which are only semiautomatic are civilian versions of actual military-grade weapons) it appalls many educated gun owners. It is equivalent to banning Wahhabism. Going as far as to call for bans on semiautomatic weapons is absolutely equivalent to trying to ban Islam as a whole. Just as it is illegal to commit acts of terror, inspired by radical religious sects, it is illegal to commit acts of terror with a semiautomatic rifle. We don’t ban a religious group because a few members do something horrible and we shouldn’t treat guns any different as they are both inalienable rights protected by the Constituton. Banning specific styles of guns because one was used in an act will solve nothing. It will only set the precedent that any gun used to harm a innocent lives should be banned. Any gun can kill, that is their main purpose, and any number of dead children is unacceptable. In the end gun control will 100% lead to confiscation of civilian firearms if we follow the pattern I layer out above, which is why so many of us are now in the “not-an-inch” approach to gun control.

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