California looks like it's about to start automatically registering people to vote

Well California has a habit of always passing the most forward thinking or dumbest laws. This is the latter. I know its blasphemous on Reddit where every naive earnest twit believes that the epitome of democracy is everyone voting, but its not. We used to have Jim Crow laws that created significant and unconscionable hurdles for blacks to overcome just to vote. That was completely anathema to our Constitution and the principles of our republic.

And then we have the other extreme. Folks go batshit and start crying about Jim Crow when someone suggests a free photo ID for voting. Do I think there is any voting fraud? I do not. But I also thing if some lame shithead cant get him or herself together to figure out in their lifetime how to get a free ID then we don't need their vote. Yes. Some folks are stupid, lazy, and incompetent. Uninformed, racist, bigoted, just plain drug using fuck ups. Is our republic strengthened by some hack from the Democratic or Republican party propping them up with cigarettes, walking around money or booze and taking them to a voting booth. No. And only a moron would think so.

So do I advocate for any litmus test or any other lame shit that actually looks like Jim Crow? No. Not at all. But if you cant get your shit together to register to vote then sorry, we will have to get along without your vote. A law like this is a special kind of idiocy. Maybe the next one we can pass will require hiring of massive groups of people, like census workers to drive to skid row to find out who some drunken fuck who just shit his pants for the tenth time this week thinks should be president.

So start clucking shitheads. The idea of everyone's vote having value is something that soft headed redditers hold near and dear to their bleeding hearts. Once they live life for a while and have to actually work for a living they will find out different. I grew up poor and still am not doing well. Its not a matter of being poor. Poor people can vote. it may not be as easy but its not like we cant plan ways to do it. Its the shitheads that cant think five minutes ahead of their last bottle of booze that we can not put so much effort into. California is on the verge of an apocalyptic drought. And this is what their idiotic politicians think is important. Fuck em.

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