California’s new tactic…

I have been in a similar situation when I was working in a hospital and couldn't get the flu shot, bc of a bad past reaction. My coworkers would blame me for every symptom they had from October thru June, even though I was mandated to wear a mask through flu season as my exemption accommodation.

They didn't have to wear mask, but the shaming and blaming was really intense. Some of them would wear a mask around me, bc they assumed I was always contagious, and then blame me for how uncomfortable it was-obviously pre-covid days.

Other than the fact that I cannot receive a flu shot without going into anaphylaxis, the thing that helped me stay strong was constantly reminding them this was an HR/Management/Employee Health decision. I also pointed out at every opportunity that the only reason we needed flu shots was bc Medicare rewards the hospital in the form of higher payments for full compliance. It helped reduce some of the hostility towards me, but it was like wearing a scarlet letter, for sure.

I eventually left because of it for a better opportunity wear my health wasn't weaponized against me, but not before I was ready.

Stay strong and hang in there. At least now you know which of your coworkers is just an inherent jerk so you can steer clear. Also, place the blame where it lies as often as you can...sometimes it helps the sheep wake up a little.

/r/NoNewNormal Thread Parent