A Call to Gamers

I call myself a gamer (mostly sims, adventures and rpgs), but I don't do any of those soul crushing grinds you talk about. Maybe mostly because I don't play shitty cash-grab MMOs for 12-year-olds. But also because gaming is supposed to be fun and not a tedium you absolve in order to forget about the gnawing emptiness inside.

I also have never been called racist or misogynistic or god forbid a rape apologist, mainly because there no reason for it. If people call you that, maybe think about why they see you that way.

You "hardc0re gamerz" have the same problem anyone has that defines their entire existence through the one hobby/job/nationality/skin color/whatever they have. They get irrationally angry and shitty because when you attack [thing they like], you attack them. They have nothing else.

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