I call out u/todu for false propaganda

If you leave u/todu 's reality distortion field, you will realize the BU leadership has made the earliest and most significant criticisms of BSV and nChain.

I would like to thank you for all the hard work and whole this text too. It is much needed as for example I share (rightly or not) /u/todo's distortion field. You gave me plenty of material to read.

While BU's work is comprehensive, professional, and constitutes the foundation of much of the community's concerns with BSV/nChain, what I believe you will primarily find by ABC representatives is immature trash talking on social media.

Don't get me wrong here, but It is not always so obvious that BU work is all professional and only ABC side is immature. So, please, don't follow their alleged path and thanks for the links once again.

/r/btc Thread